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Ideal Weight Calculator


There are several assumptions on a perfect body weight. Many people have observed various calculations over centuries. This is an online calculator to calculate the healthy range weight of your body based on various predictions.

Ideal weight or normal weight is generally understood to be a weight range that is considered optimal for health, taking into account various factors such as height and stature as well as age. If your weight is within this range, you are in no danger of being overweight or underweight. The ideal weight is therefore basically a desirable guideline that can be used as a rough guide. This can be determined with the help of various measuring methods.


Various Predictions of Ideal Body Weight

J. D. Robinson Formula

For Male, 114.64 (Pound) lbs [52 kg] + 4.19 (Pound) lbs [1.9 kg] per inch over 5 feet
For Female, 108 (Pound) lbs [49 kg] + 3.75 (Pound) lbs [1.7 kg] per inch over 5 feet

D. R. Miller Formula

For Male, 123.9 (Pound) lbs [56.2 kg] + 3.11 (Pound) lbs [1.41 kg] per inch over 5 feet
For Female, 117.07 (Pound) lbs [53.1 kg] + 3 (Pound) lbs [1.36 kg] per inch over 5 feet

G. J. Hamwi Formula

For Male, 105.83 (Pound) lbs [48.0 kg] + 5.95 (Pound) lbs [2.7 kg] per inch over 5 feet
For Female, 100.31 (Pound) lbs [45.5 kg] + (Pound) lbs 4.85 [2.2 kg] per inch over 5 feet

B. J. Devine Formula

For Male, 110.23 (Pound) lbs [50.0 kg] + 5.07 (Pound) lbs [2.3 kg] per inch over 5 feet
For Female, 100.31 (Pound) lbs [45.5 kg] + 5.07 (Pound) lbs [2.3 kg] per inch over 5 feet

WHO Recommended Healthy BMI Range

18.5 – 25 for both man and woman

In addition, there is another definition of ideal weight, namely the personal feel-good weight. This is the number on the scale at which you feel comfortable in your skin. This value is purely subjective and often follows more aesthetic ideas of the "perfect" body. The personal ideal weight or desired weight does not have to be the same as the scientific guideline and can even be dangerous to health. A size zero, for example, is a desirable goal for many people, especially women. However, the fact that they risk ending up underweight and possibly harming their health is anything but ideal.

It can be useful to determine your ideal weight using objective measurement methods in order to establish a certain framework for yourself. You can use it to get a good picture of your physical condition, target your training or nutrition program accordingly, and measure your progress.

Achieve ideal weight: Weight Management Tips

Moderate calorie deficit or slight calorie surplus

Have you used one or more methods to check how far you are from your ideal weight range? Then you can now set out to actually reach your ideal weight. This can mean either gaining or losing some weight. In either case, the following tips will help you with healthy weight management:

If you want to lose weight, you have to eat fewer calories than your body consumes. It is important to build up a healthy calorie deficit. Our recommendation for losing about 0.5 kilograms per week is to cut back on 300 to a maximum of 500 calories a day.

Balanced diet

If you want to gain weight, you need to consume more calories than your body needs, i.e. build up a calorie surplus. If your goal is to gain muscle (about 1 to 12 pounds per week), we recommend that you consume 300 to 500 calories more per day. About 35 to 40 percent of the food should consist of protein.

A balanced diet is the be-all and end-all of weight management. It includes the three macronutrients carbohydrates, fat and protein as well as valuable micronutrients. These include minerals, trace elements and vitamins. They are mainly found in vegetables and fruit. You can have plenty of these on your plate, as vegetables in particular provide many important nutrients.

Proteins can help you build muscle mass and lose weight. According to studies, protein-rich foods have an influence on the feeling of satiety. They are also an important building material for the muscles.

Tip: Get an extra large portion of protein directly in the morning, for example with our 100% Whey Protein Isolate. For in-between meals, our new Filled Protein Bars are the perfect source of protein.

Another important part of your diet are carbohydrates, which you should not avoid even with the goal of losing weight. It is important that you focus on complex carbohydrates with a low glycemic index. These include whole grain bread or pasta, sweet potato, wild rice and oatmeal. Carbohydrates you should tend to avoid are white bread, white rice, chips, cereal and sugar.

About 30 percent of your diet should consist of high-quality fats. These include flax oil, olive oil, nuts, flax seeds, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds and avocado.

Combine strength and cardio training

Another important lever in weight management is exercise. Ideally, combine strength and cardio training. This not only stimulates your fat metabolism, but also strengthens your muscles. And you don't just need them if you want a toned body. Even if you want to reduce your fat percentage, every extra kilogram of muscle will benefit you. Because muscle mass increases your basal metabolic rate. That means you burn extra calories with every kilo of muscle when you're in rest mode.

Reduce stress

Stress is an absolute no-go if you want to positively influence your weight. If your body releases the stress hormone cortisol over the long term, it can be harmful to your health. According to studies, chronic excess cortisol can increase blood pressure, provoke cravings and uncontrolled eating, and inhibit muscle growth.

To regulate your cortisol levels and reduce stress, you could do the following: take a round of yin yoga or a walk in the fresh air, meditate, read a good book or listen to your favorite music.

Develop a positive mindset

Last but not least, for those who want to get closer to their ideal weight: Take it slowly and don't put yourself under pressure. Throw crash diets overboard and don't constantly compare yourself with others. Instead, focus on yourself and your journey. Be kind to yourself and your progress. That also means, don't give up immediately if the number on the scale stagnates for a longer time or develops in the wrong direction.

Take the time to make positive changes to your lifestyle and then stick with it for the long term.

Tip: Get support from a good friend or coach on your way. They can spur you on to continue pursuing your goal.

  • Ideal weight is a guideline of what weight range is considered healthy based on various factors such as height, stature and age.
  • Ideal weight and personal desired weight do not have to coincide. What is important is that the body weight is in a healthy range outside of overweight or underweight.
  • Various methods help you to analyze the current body weight and calculate the ideal weight: the BMI, the Creff method and the Waist-to-Hip ratio.
  • To get closer to the ideal weight, you should eat a balanced diet, build a healthy calorie deficit or surplus, reduce stress, make exercise a high priority, and develop a positive mindset.

Importend Notes and Disclaimer


Caveats and Recommendations: This calculator is NOT intended to diagnose illness or be used as a substitute for medical advice or treatment. Some models provide predictive outcomes which may not be accurate. Please consult a medical professional for any medical treatment or diagnosis advice.


Note: This calculator is presented for your own personal use and is to be used as a guide only. Medical and other decisions should NOT be based on the results of this calculator. Although this calculator has been tested, we cannot guarantee the accuracy of its calculations or results.


Disclaimer: This calculator is provided without warranty and CANNOT be used to diagnose or treat any disease or condition.

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